Ten weeks of action and inaction, questionable and poor decisions, incest, and treason led to a tragic death. Knowing it was coming — even if …
House of the Dragon – S1E10 – The Black Queen

Ten weeks of action and inaction, questionable and poor decisions, incest, and treason led to a tragic death. Knowing it was coming — even if …
That castle was dark, dank, and full of treason. Delicious, frustrating, dragon-killing treason. Alicent is ready to usurp Rhaenyra’s crown before she ever gets to …
So much treason. I don’t understand how so many heads are still attached to bodies. Viserys just wants everyone to get along, completely ignoring the …
Ten years later and Criston Cole is still employed and still a whiny, masogynistic bitch and petty Queen Alicent is only too willing to fuel …
Sure all the Westerosi wedding jokes have been made by now, but how about a “More like Joffrey Loudmouth, amirite?” While it may not have …
The wayward brother returns with a crown of his own, and immediately causes Viserys yet another political headache. Viserys never makes a hard decision until …
All a king wants to do is celebrate the second name day of the son he had with his daughter’s bestie. Oh, and marry said …
If there’s one thing King Viserys is gonna do every time, it’s make the wrong damn decision. Not that marrying a 12-year-old would be BETTER… What …
Set nearly 200 years before they did my girl Dany dirty (I’m not interested in arguing with you about this), House of the Dragon is …